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Best Quality 2024C/2019C CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Adapter Truck Diagnostic with Panasonic CF19 Laptop

Best Quality 2024C/2019C CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Adapter Truck Diagnostic with Panasonic CF19 Laptop

  • Item No. ABC23911-2

caterpillar Comm Adapter III is diagnostic scanner interface built to work with Caterpillar heavy vehicles and Caterpillar engines.Communicate with ECMs allowing you to diagnose and configure.

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by Mr Smith on Jun 15,2022
this model include the factory password generator?
Replied by Julie on Jun 16,2022
Hello,CAT 2020-2022 version software includes Caterpillar Cat factory password generator 10 digit pw, you can press the ctrl+f2 shortcut to bring it up.

by Tanja Schutte on Feb 07,2022
Does this adapter supports caterpillar models with CDL communication?
Replied by Julie on Feb 08,2022
Hello,yes this device supports caterpillar models with CDL communication, no need special cable, just use the normal main cable. Thanks.

by Muhammad Roslan on Jan 11,2022
WIFI connection is stable and Caterpillar Communication Adapter 3 work well ,Much better than my friend’s cat et 3.
Replied by Julie on Jan 12,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Monica Flores on Dec 06,2021
Will this work for 2014 cat 257D?
Replied by Julie on Dec 07,2021
Hello, yes it can support All cars of CAT.

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