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2024A Version Perkins EST Interface Diagnostic tool (Real Perkins EST CA3 Interface)

2024A Version Perkins EST Interface Diagnostic tool (Real Perkins EST CA3 Interface)

  • Item No. ABC28111-1

Perkins EST interface kit provides the user with an effective tool in diagnosing engine problems and the ability of configuring system parameters. you can diagnose engine fault codes yourself. Save time and eliminate the wait for a service call.

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by Devon Jones on Apr 13,2022
i have issues install the software , can you help me?
Replied by Julie on Apr 14,2022
Hello, yes we offer technical support free you can contact us via email thanks.

by Alexandre Richard on Apr 11,2022
Everything as described and on time. Great service,would buy from them again.
Replied by Julie on Apr 12,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

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