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Best Quality ICOM NEXT A+B+C Scanner Professional Diagnostic Tool With V2024.12 Engineers software

Best Quality ICOM NEXT A+B+C Scanner Professional Diagnostic Tool With V2024.12 Engineers software

  • Item No. ABC28911-15

V2024.12 Newest Version Software ISTA-D ISTA V2024.12 Newest Version Software ISTA-D ISTA 4.50.40 ISTA-P 3.71.200 with Engineer Programming

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by Mr Darryl on Aug 04,2022
My husband works on all our vehicles, so when I purchased this for him he was so excited! He said this will help him figure out the issues of the car so much faster. He tested the bmw icom out on all our vehicles and said it work just as described and now he has a list of things to do on our vehicles. Great investment and great product!
Replied by obd2 team on Aug 05,2022
Hello,thanks for your feedback.

obd2 team
by Mr Matthew on May 17,2022
Can it work for for a mini cooper?
Replied by obd2 team on May 18,2022
Yes, it can work with a mini cooper.

obd2 team
by Mr Freddy on Jul 21,2022
Can it work for BMW and benz cars or just for BMW cars?
Replied by obd2 team on Jul 22,2022
Hello, it only support BMW cars, Benz cars need to use MB star tool.

obd2 team
by Mr COURDUFF on Jun 19,2022
How do I update the software if I buy one?
Replied by obd2 team on Jun 20,2022
Hello,can send back your current hard disk to us for update to latest software or purchase another hard disk.

obd2 team
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